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Lista di riferimenti in cui trovare informazioni, esempi, suggerimenti e contatti.


Il gruppo nasce dalla voglia di dar vita ad una rete di CSA Italia e far conoscere informazioni, eventi e iniziative del mondo CSA.

Urgenci wants to vigorously promote all forms of partnership between producers and local consumers, all kinds of Community Supported Agriculture initiatives, as a solution to the problems associated with global intensive agricultural production and distribution.

Associazione di agricoltori e consumatori per l'esercizio dell'agricoltura biologica e biodinamica, per la sovranità alimentare e la difesa della piccola agricoltura contadina nella ricerca di un'alternativa concreta al sistema economico dominante.

Comunità in lotta per l'autoderminazine alimentare. Reti territoriali di contadini, artigiani, studenti, lavoratori delle comunità rurali e delle città metropolitane che propongono alternative concrete all'economia di sistema vigente - qui il calendario della rete Campi Aperti (Bologna)

Rete di ricercatori, attivisti, studiosi e manager alla ricerca di nuovi modelli di sviluppo economico per trovare soluzioni ai bisogni sociali e di mercato  che emergono dal mondo delle nuove imprese rurali.


Nord America


Urgenci is eager to engage cooperation with sustainable agriculture/small-scale farming movements from the global South, where shared goals are to empower even the poorest and smallest-scale farmers to become active contributors to and beneficiaries of local sustainable development and to offer continuous education to farmers and other stakeholders in the system



In generale

Le parole hanno un peso

Risparmio e logiche di lungo periodo

Indicazioni generali e storia della CSA, con molt link

La pagina sull'Agricoltura Sociale di Eva De Marco


Thorpe Family Organic Farm in East Aurora, New York (2009)

More Americans are now deciding to get it straight from the farmer -- not by going to a farmer's market, but through buying a "share" of a small farm's harvest up front. (2008)

Get the primer on getting involved in your CSA plus a ton of fun resources - Jen Boulden (2014)

Becoming a member of a community supported farm can be a challenge as well as a joy  - Gary Brever of Ploughshare Farm, Kate Stout of North Creek Community Farm, and Margaret Marshall of Featherstone(2010)

Get the primer on getting involved in your CSA plus a ton of fun resources - Jen Boulden (2014)

Josh Volk talks about his Slow Hand Farm CSA, and offers advice for people thinking about starting a CSA farm (2012)

Rhonda reveals some of the financial details
that make her community supported agriculture operation work (2006)

Ohio State University Extension (2011)

Farmers Ryan and Sarah Voiland tell about how their CSA (2010)

Allenbrooke Farms is the latest Williamson County farm to join the local farmer's community and start a Community Supported Agriculture share (2013)

Matthew, of Big City Farms in downtown Indianapolis, shares his experiences with running a CSA program. He discusses the benefits as well as what you will need to be aware of before you start your own programo (2009)

Urban Farmer Curtis Stone (2016)

Take a walk around with Johannes Courtens, farmer (2016)

Meet Evangeline Sarat and Paul Martin, the husband-and-wife team that powers Sweet Land Farm in Trumansburg, NY (2011)

Take a walk around with Johannes Courtens, farmer (2017)

Cooperative Community Supported Agriculture, where farmers share int he risk and the consumer reaps the labors of their trade. A win win for any community (2014)

The managers and farm hands working on the dreamy Oxbow Farm in Carnation, WA

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